Webomates Inc

Webomates Inc

Last seen: 10 months ago

Webomates provides a cloud-based AI software testing as a service platform to carry out software functional testing in guaranteed timeframes. The platform creates test cases & scripts and executes them using multiple testing execution techniques like AI Automation, Automation, Crowdsource & AI enhanced manual. At the end of the execution what you get is the actionable triaged defects. Every execution result is recorded and auditable from the CQ portal. Webomates CQ supports a wide variety of software applications like Web-based, mobile responsive, mobile native, and windows native, etc. You can also use CQ not only to test your Web User Interface and API but also for Performance and security testing.

Member since Dec 29, 2021 marketingwebomates05@gmail.com

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Functional Testing

Functional Testing

A proper Functional Testing assures that every function of the system is working...

Regression Testing

Regression Testing

Regression Testing is the most commonly and widely used testing technique used to...

Continuous integration

Continuous integration

Continuous Integration has become a critical element in current devops practices...


Intelligent test automation

Webomates Intelligent Test Automation is a cloud-based platform that aims to enable...


Exploratory testing in agile

Exploratory testing in agile is a hands-on approach in which testers are involved...


Shift Left Testing

Shift Left testing provides an effective means to perform testing in parallel to...